Looking for caucasian talents for TVC
Project; Gaming App Ads
Contract 1 year online
Shooting date 27-28 Nov
Budget: between 10-15,000 Baht / day – 30% depending on the character
2 Male
A man�Age 23-27 ,
2 Male Youngsters (Best friend)
A Boy�Age 20 – 30 ,
1. Funny chubby guy�2. Nice body Fun, bright,
2 Male, 1 Female
Age 23-27�Triple best friend,�Fun, Friendly, also can be formal and serious
Please send:
1. Your profile / compcard
2. Introduction video of yourself
3. Any video / past work that showcases you and your acting skills.
To Line:
(include the “@” sign when you add the account on Line
Looking for caucasian talents for TVC
Project; Gaming App Ads
Contract 1 year online
Shooting date 27-28 Nov
Budget: between 10-15,000 Baht / day – 30% depending on the character
2 Male
A man�Age 23-27 ,
2 Male Youngsters (Best friend)
A Boy�Age 20 – 30 ,
1. Funny chubby guy�2. Nice body Fun, bright,
2 Male, 1 Female
Age 23-27�Triple best friend,�Fun, Friendly, also can be formal and serious
Please send:
1. Your profile / compcard
2. Introduction video of yourself
3. Any video / past work that showcases you and your acting skills.
To Line:
(include the “@” sign when you add the account on Line

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