by Robin Schroeter | Dec 17, 2023 | News
[ad_1] Take 2 shooting with the talented Khela at Gavin’s Mango Tree Studios. Always good to work with you guys! [ad_2] Source
by Robin Schroeter | Dec 17, 2023 | News
[ad_1] Frankie getting ready for his solo performance [ad_2] Source
by Robin Schroeter | Dec 16, 2023 | News
[ad_1] Coming from one of my favorite plays to one of my favorite movies, The Fisher King. Nikita and Giuliana gave new life to these classic characters. Nuanced acting with explosive moments made this scene very captivating in this live showcase performance. I love...
by Robin Schroeter | Dec 15, 2023 | News
[ad_1] Amelia and Steph conquering Antigone Now! At this moving performance at our showcase. They worked very hard to get down all the lines of a long script. Then we worked hard together to find a blocking that helped them with their acting and make their motivation...
by Robin Schroeter | Dec 15, 2023 | News
[ad_1] Amelia and Steph conquering Antigone Now! At this moving performance at our showcase. They worked very hard to get down all the lines of a long script. Then we worked hard together to find a blocking that helped them with their acting and make their motivation...
by Robin Schroeter | Dec 14, 2023 | News
[ad_1] Young and talented my teenage acting students at our showcase performance. Working with teenagers is always inspiring. They learn so fast and are still so flexible in adjusting their acting. Teenage acting students love being in the moment. [ad_2]...
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