by web276 | Jun 9, 2021 | Uncategorized
After filling out your information below you will receive an email with the payment details. Please transfer the course fee before the 15th of June to make use of the Early Bird Discount. [ninja_form id=’7′] I am looking forward to meeting you on the...
by web276 | Jun 9, 2021 | General, News
Sometimes inspiration comes to you when you least expect it. In this case I got inspired from one of the most unlikely places. People are sending me their profiles all the time, coming from all different kind of countries. Around 6 months ago a young American, Rafe...
by web276 | Jan 19, 2021 | General, News, Uncategorized
Covid lockdown number 2. This is depressing. I am upset and angry. Schools and educational institutions are among the first to be closed down. Since it is not an official lockdown there is no compensation from the government. But if we don’t shut down and something...
by web276 | Jan 19, 2021 | General, News, Uncategorized
You never know when it is going to happen! If you are waiting for your success to come your way, keep in mind, you never know when your break through is going to happen! When I was in my late twenties I missed a big opportunity, just because I was not ready. I was...
by web276 | Nov 6, 2020 | General, News
For the first time this year post-covid we are now offering a full Fundamentals of Acting Course in English for Teenagers. MasterClass Studio is unique in that we are offering both English language and Thai language Acting Courses. The English language courses have...
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