Acting Classes for Kids!

Our special promotion for an all around Acting, Dancing and Singing course, 3 months, 12 days, 36 classes, over 36 hours is 16,900 Baht only.

The main focus of this class is the development of your child in these 4 areas: Body, Mind and Concentration, the Ability to Express themselves, Their imagination and good Social Skills. This course lets the kids explore their own thinking and how their ideas relate to their surrounding. These skills are essential in their daily life and in their working environment.

Acting Classes Bangkok  for 7-12_๑๘๑๒๑๓_0001เรียนการแสดง

Acting for Kids 12 Times, 1 hour per class

Dancing is divided into two section which can be chosen:
Class 1 Basic Movement and Listening Skills, 12 times, 1 hour per class
Class 2 Basic Ballet 12 times, 1 hour per class
Singing for Kids 12 times, 1 hour per class

The kids that take the entire course receive the right to take portfolio pictures and a introduction video for free.

?? The first day of classes is always for free

Classes start on the Sunday. Apply Now!

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