Ron’s Sword fighting 2 – Intermediate level workshop in this series is going to be on the 1st of April. Register now!

Medieval Weapons Action Workshop by Ron Smoorenburg at MasterClass Studio
Price: 2,000 Baht for 2 hours workshop

Time: Saturday, 1st of April, 4-6pm
Location: MasterClass Studio
Maximum 10 attendees

This Medieval Weapons Action Workshop for Movies teaches you:
Part 2 – Intermediate
Axe, Sword, dagger
– Advanced Fight Choreography
– advanced attack and defense combos
– Timing, speed and empohasis of moves
– Acting in action in longer choreos
– creative ideas and inspirations

Ron has more than 20 years of experience starring in action movies. He will share his experience with you based on his work on epic action movies such as:
Warriors Gate, Outcast,
Blackbeard, treasure island,
Marco Polo 2,
Red Eagle, Asura,
Vikingdom and lots more

The video below is from the beginners class, with students who never did any sword fighting in movies, in the total of 2 hrs they managed to do this scene including acting, blocking, reactions, combos.



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